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 Concerns about examinations...  

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I have a bunch on my mind from this exam. The biggest points are how I was out early for practically all of my PEs. I feel like my histories were taken well, DD and workups were just fine but the exams... I can't help but worry I didn't examine as much as they might have wanted. Also, I would come out early of the room and be the first one out! Sometimes I just wanted to run back in and examine... well, anything just to get more time in. Luckily though, it gave me ample time for my notes.

I feel like I did relevant examinations but sometimes in my notes I would have HEENT (with related parts noted), Chest, Heart, Extremities or Abdomen if needed. I did a few thyroid exams. My neuro examinations consisted of CN II-XII (though after turning in my note I realized I forgot about EOM - idiot!), DTRs, vibration or sensory, sometimes parts of the cerebellar exam and gait... I just worry if they may think my examinations were inadequate and too fast. If examinations were not warranted I would not do them. I would have 4-5 examination points per patient at most...

Otherwise I feel that I did the right things, shaking/washing hands, introductions, draping, counseling, compassion - all of that. I feel like I summarized my patients pretty well and told them what I was thinking to do for them. Notes seemed good. It's just those darn PEs! What if I didn't do enough or they thought I didn't note enough in my note?! Has anyone else felt that way?

Thanks alot in advance.


Yes, I felt that way...I felt not enough PE. So many mistakes, missed so many little things and passed. If your english is ok, if you were nice to pts, greet, drape, was hands, if you followed same pattern PUMHUGPSS in every case....explain what will you do (oredr tests, bla bla, contact when test results cam ein...) show empathy....

you will be good to pass!!!

Do not worry now! Relax! And then continue with your steps if you still have some exams to do.


I did a good history, missing a few points on a couple patients (e.g. missed asking allergies, meds on two and FH in a couple of the patients) but the majority got all the questions and all were noted in my PN... I'm from the USA so my english wasn't a problem. I just wish I knew how scoring was done so I could see if I am in the "safe zone".


take it from lilly and me!! u have not read our list of mistakes and how much we screwed upgrin dont hate me lilly!! wink honestly, i would be out in 5 minutes flat...and then when it came to writing up the history, i'd realize how i missed out on same of the cranial nerve exams and stuff...

for one pt, i actually made up my own clue what i was doing but i was nice, washed my hands etcetc...and thankfully, i got thru. so long as u examined the areas that were affected, u're good. but there's no need for u to do a CNS exam on someone complaining of mild diarrhea.

not to mention, it sounds like the rest of ur test went pretty well...maybe u came out earlier than everyone else cuz u werent freaking out like everyone else wink

i was a headless chicken during my exam. i would come out early on the basis of i didnt know what else to do...doesnt sound like u had that problem wink

dont worry about it. focus on whatever's next on ur agenda and u'll see...u'll pass with flying colors. take care and all the best.

summer wink


Thanks alot!smiling face I appreciate it!


the thread i was talking about is titles "mistakes ??!!!?!?!" in the cs experience section. u'll find the stuff u can get away with wink


I felt the same way, i did quite a bit with the patient but i dont think i wrote enough on the note.

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