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Enjoy being with your kid MDinTHEmaking smiling face


I havr been very tired today. I am just starting stuying late in the afternoon.
Now... still workiing on pathology of hematology


Good evening...

It's going to be a long night. I'm still going thru Micro in FA. It's taking me longer than expected so I'm slightly frustrated, but still working my way thru it... slow and steady.. as the wise tortoise taught us.. wink

Thanks guys for your words of kindness. @Pinky, I totally agree with you. My kid is my motivation; at the same time, I'm regretting missing out on this part of her life. You can't have everything.. eh?

Kinda gloomy message... let's cheer up 'n work hard to high marks!!!! Good Luck guys!! smiling face


no regrets! i havent seen 1 single resident unhappy!


Good point Pinky, so it's all worth it in the end. Ok, time to get started fresh.

Shahd, great job keep up with ur goals.

Wishing all of you a good luck with studies.


hi MDin THEmaking
keep going and forgot ur frustrations even when u feel that u r slow ..we r all slow when we want to do something well....u know from10am till 3 pm did just 20questions from uw so ......


Thank you confidence.

I'm working my way thru Immunology. I have to go back and review Antimicrobial drugs later tonight. If there is time, I'd like to review the previous material as well.


Hey guys,

I'm sorry to be putting more on your plate, but as I was going thru the Goljan notes that I posted earlier, I realized that some of it may be difficult to understand. I am attaching another file that may help clear up any misunderstandings. Again, I apologize for giving you more work than you need.

You'll notice that initially there is information about sensitivity and lab information. If you move past that, you'll see Cell injury and other topics that Dr. Goljan speaks about.

Good Luck with studies.

Edited by on Sep 02, 2010 - 5:33 PM


Please send me a private message with your email address and I'll send it to you.

sorry about that. take care


Well... am still working on hematolology/path. It took me soooo long time sad
I try my best to finish it as soon as possible.

On Sep 02, 2010 - 5:38 PM, MDinTHEmaking responded:
Sounds like you are going thru it thoroughly.. which is more important that finishing it quickly.

GL with studies!nod


Good Afternoon!!

disapproval I know it's pretty bad that my update is so late. So what have I been up to? Learning immunology, and pathology (general). Still more left to do, so I'll report back once I'm done.

All the best with studies!


Good morning! smiling face

Late start to the day, but had some house chores to get done. So today's game plan. Review what has been done so far as well as do path and pharm.

G'luck to everyone!


Hello girl,

are you listening to pharma kapl lectures?i will, they are great!

GL studying tday!


Heyy PinKy,

How long did it take you to go thru the lectures? I don't have the vids. For pharm, I was going thru First Aid then Kaplan LN.
Lots to memorize 'n that's my weak point.

Plans for tonight:

- got back and review Micro

- Learn general Path.

GL with your studying!!


hi there
i listned to pharma video...i loved it .... it takes time but..without regret ...i recommand it for all who are weak in pharma like me

On Sep 06, 2010 - 6:38 AM, MDinTHEmaking responded:
Hi Confidence,

I'm pretty weak in Pharm also, but I feel like I don't have time for the videos. It's good to hear that they're helping you. Good luck with your studies..


Hello MDinTHEmaking...

Nice to read about your hard work and diligence throughout your journal. Good balance between studying...parenthood...and real-life responsibility.smiling face

I will be reading your updates.

Keep up the good work!!

--Dr. Persistence

On Sep 06, 2010 - 6:40 AM, MDinTHEmaking responded:
Hi Dr. Persistance!!

Thanks for the kind words. "No pain, no gain...." right? It's only going to get tougher, atleast until this exam has been conquered. When would you like to take the exam? How's your studying beeN?


Hello All!

My baby's going to be here soon!! Amidst the preparation for her arrival... and her being here.. these are my goals for this month. I must thoroughly understand path, pharm and physio.. using FA and Kaplan as well as UW questions.

While the baby is here, I need to complete 6 -7 hrs of studying.. Will write more once this new route is underway. To all, Good Luck and study well!!


GL MD sissy..immuno goes vv well w inflamm nd all generl path...i was doing immuno uw qs, kapl dvds 2010 are bigtime help!!!

love immuno right so cool

whn bebe is here, you can do it girl..try aim for 8h! not just 6, be a super duper snuper mommy!



hello...where are u ????????


MDinTHEmaking, ALL THE BEST with your plan! smiling face It's so sweet to hear that your family is coming to visit you! smiling face I do hope you'll have a great time with them!

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